Liebster Award!

In August 2014, one month after creating My Wanderlust World, i was awarded the Liebster Award!

I am thrilled! The Liebster Award is an online award, given to bloggers by other bloggers who appreciate their work.

Along with this award i was given some questions!

You just won a travel competition and you can choose a public figure to travel with you. Who do you choose and why?

David Attenbourough - Who else has seen the world and could teach us some interesting things along the way.


You found a golden ticket that allows you to travel by train. Where do you go?

Probably Europe! Train travel is a popular way of seeing all the countries in Europe. There are so many hidden gems!



You have reached a crossword without any signs, your phone is dead, the map you have with you is the worst you ever bought and there’s no one around to ask for directions. Do your survival instincts kick in immediately or do you curse every single god you can remember from any religion first?

As i like to plan ahead, my survival instincts would kick in here - hopefully! And if you get lost?.. Oh well, its an adventure!



It’s pouring rain outside and you were planning to visit only for three days. Are you inside with a book waiting for it to stop because you don’t mind staying for longer? Are you outside with an umbrella and a waterproof camera because YOU REALLY have to get to the next place?

A rainy day is all part of the experience. Rainy days create some of the best memories for me, so i would be outside taking it all in. Why put on hold what you can do today!



Where were you when you saw the most beautiful breath taking sunset?

At home actually. I live in the Peak District in England. Here you can experience some of the best sunsets in amazing countryside backdrops.



Do you ever feel homesick? If yes, what’s the first thing you miss the most.

All the time. Theres no place like home!



What is the best dish you have ever had in your traveling life (so good you wouldn’t mind eating it everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner)?

Spaghetti Carbonara. Love love LOVE!



Do you ever lose track of time when you’re travelling?

All the time! Time flies by when your having fun! Each day rolls into one!



What is the one item you can never forget to pack?

My camera! In fact, my two cameras! How else am i to show you the world!


What language would you like to learn and how many languages do you speak right now?

I speak English and British Sign Language. I know a few words in Spanish, French and Italian and would like to become better in those languages.



So far, what is the most important travel lesson you have learned?

For me, planning each day is essential. This helps me to maximise the amount of things i can do each day leaving time for some spontaneous travels too!