Less than three years ago, i was your average 22 year old, graduating with a Masters degree and going straight into full time work. However, i had the desire to travel the world. For years i had dreamt about so many places, but i knew i had to work too. And as everyone says, you can't do both, right? - I decided to prove everyone wrong!

At this point i had explored 7 countries over 1 continent. That continent being Europe. I was grateful to have visited so many countries but the rest of the world was calling!
Now, less than 3 years later, i have explored 31 countries over all 7 continents!

Three years ago, i wouldn’t have believed i could have achieved all this in such a short space of time, or even at all, especially whilst working full time. But that was just it, i didn’t believe in myself. Luckily, i was bitten by the travel bug in Iceland. That was it! - Having the belief and determination to live the life i have only ever dreamed of had begun!

As i clocked up the miles travelling, my dreams got bigger. The more adventures i had, the more i knew i could achieve. My dream then turned into this...to explore 30 countries over all 7 continents before my 25th birthday! - And i'm very pleased to say i’ve done it, with months to spare!

In the last few years i have climbed glaziers and active volcanos, i have explored deserts and magnificent cities and have been lucky enough to surf and scuba dive in some of the best waters in the world. The places i have visited have been incredible and the things i have experienced have been a once in a lifetime.

Antarctica has been my dream trip since the beginning. So i knew it had to be my last continent and the trip to complete my dream of 30 countries over all 7 continents. And i am so glad i did, as nothing will beat setting foot on the stunning continent of Antarctica.

In that last few years, i have learnt so much about the world and myself. The main thing i realised, is that i am capable of more than i thought. Travelling solo leaves a great sense of accomplishment and develops independence. From making new friends to navigating across unknown lands. Never be afraid to do something. Fear is a mental thing that soon disappears as soon as you take that first step.

As i discovered more of the world, i quickly realised the world isn't as scary as you think. 'If you never go, you'll never know'. I came across this quote stitched inside my new suitcase actually, and it couldn't be more true. I have found most people i meet around the world are very welcoming and want to help you. If you never travel, you will never know how truly amazing it is out there.

If you have never travelled solo you're probably thinking it isn't for you as you don't think you would enjoy your own company and that you need others to make it fun. I have always been happy in my own company, but i didn't realise how much i would enjoy it until my first solo trip. Travelling alone helps you grasp a better understanding of yourself and what you want from life, aswell as gaining independence and overcoming your fears.

Travelling has made me become more laid back and see the world in a better light. Travel slows you down and lets you enjoy the moment rather than stressing yourself over the little things.

After travelling alone, you never return as the same person. Travelling gives you a huge confidence boost, you become more educated, you've made worldwide friends and it allows you to see the world differently. Travelling makes you a much stronger and happier person.

I am always so overwhelmed from the amount of respect and encouragement i receive from strangers for travelling solo. Whether it's because it is something they have always wanted to do or they are simply inspired by my courage. The people you meet on the road to adventure are always there to support you.

So far on my journey, i have discovered 31 countries over all 7 continents. My travel map is now looking very colourful, in more ways than one! But there is so much left to be discovered!

(Countries in order of travel: England, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Wales, Scotland, Netherlands, Vatican City, Ireland, Iceland, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Norway, Egypt, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Antarctica)

You may ask how i’ve managed to see the world whilst working full time, as surely you can't do both? The secret is simple. If you want something enough, you will find a way to make it happen. The hardest part is finding the courage to make that first step.

Whatever your dream is, have courage, determination and a plan. Have the courage to pursue it, the determination to live it and a plan to make it incredible.