To come back from two glorious weeks in Spain, you come back with more than just a crackin’ tan.

Spain is an opportunity to impress your friends and family with the Spanish you learnt from school, an opportunity to visit beautiful beaches, see dolphins and even experience Spain from on the back of a camel...

Ok, Spanish may not be up to scratch from my school days and i was at risk of falling off the camel in some comedic fashion suitable only for a British comedy show. But all in all, Spain is a good safe bet if you are wanting to start traveling, or even traveling alone.

There is the famous nightlife of Ibiza for the party animals, the zoo’s for the actual animals and the water parks for the adrenaline junkies. But, even if a relaxing holiday on the beach is your ideal trip then Fuerteventura would be perfect for you. With miles of beautiful golden beaches, you will be spoilt for choice when finding the perfect sunbathing spot.

Useful Information

Capital: Madrid
Continent: Europe
Time Zone: GMT+1
Language: Spanish
Currency: Euro
Voltage: 220-240v
Plug Type: Round Two Pin Type C