Finland is very much a peace loving country that is known for its 100,000 islands and 200,000 lakes!
It's capital city, Helsinki is the second most northern capital in the world behind Reykjavik, Iceland.

Helsinki is a beautiful city in Scandinavia. With the combination of city life, historic landmarks and the incredible Helsinki harbour, what else could you ask for. This city is so easy to walk round, and with history and incredible architecture at every corner, why would you not want to!

The Rock Church isn't a church for rock music, but in fact a church made inside a rock. From the outside you may not realise it is a church. But once you go inside you see how beautiful it really is!

The Sibelus Monument is very abstract and was created with the northern lights in mind. However it is a memorial. This is somewhat surprising as usually a memorial would contain a statue of the person. This has taken a beautiful spin on the stereotypical and given us something to remember.

The Olympic stadium has a statue outside in memory of one of Finland's great athletes who received 9 gold medals, 2 silver and 22 world records. Impressive!

If you want to discover more of this part of the world, there is a simple crossing to Tallinn, Estonia and an over night cruise available to Stockholm, Sweden so you can discover the neighbouring countries too.

Useful Information


Capital: Helsinki
Continent: Europe
Time Zone: GMT+2
Language: Finnish
Currency: Euro
Voltage: 220-240v
Plug Type: Round Two Pin Type C